With increased competition in the private equity sector and the rising cost of fewer targets, the need for PE firms to adjust to a value-creation mindset throughout the entire investment life cycle is a strategic imperative.

The days of financial engineering to improve the perception of portfolio company performance are a distant memory, replaced with tangible operational improvement initiatives such as technology and financial transformation initiatives. A key success factor for financial technology driven transformation initiatives is a reliable, experienced technology partner, like Trajectory, to guide the ERP system implementation.

Relevant topics for Operations Team members in this white paper include:

  • Portfolio company value creation is more and more being driven by technology backed financial transformation initiatives.
  • When it is best to engage technology partners during the deal life cycle.
  • What specific services PE Operations Teams should seek from their technology partners in order to maximize value for their portfolio companies.
  • A case study of how a PE firm engaged with Trajectory to leverage our expertise in NetSuite assessments, optimizations and integrations to maximize value for one of their portfolio companies

A tad about Trajectory Inc:

Trajectory is a Private Equity ERP Diligence Partner. We specialize in NetSuite implementations, optimizations, integrations & rescues. Our 100% focus on NetSuite ERP allows for tailored & hassle-free service delivery and ability to engage on either side of the transaction.